Mom University Pillar #3: 


Do these questions resonate with you: 

*I have more value to give the world! How can I change when my career doesn't match my goals?
*What are areas I should be focusing on next? And what are the tools to help me measure success?
*When can I plan for things like vacations, visiting grandkids, or starting to retire? (without asking that silly question "how much do I need to retire in 20 years?")

Then you are probably a Mom University Student!

Growth through Books!

Click on the title to watch the cliff notes version of the book review. 

The Secret Of the Millionaire Mind
The Richest Man in Babylon
Atomic Habits
The Opposite of Spoiled: Raising Kids Who Are Grounded, Generous, and Smart About Money
The Psychology of Money
Eat That Frog
The Money Tree
The Five Love Languages
Talk Like Ted
Choose FI
Your Best Year Ever
Accounting for the Numberphobic
Nine Lies about Work
Make Time
Killing Sacred Cows
The 4-Hour Work Week
The Infinite Game
Rocket Fuel
The Bible


And our workshops often utilize concepts from many amazing books like these. If you are ready for more growth after reading, make sure to head over to the Events Page to find the next event you can attend!